
Multi Asset Allocation Funds

Multi Asset Allocation funds allocate a minimum of 10% of their assets across at least 3 different asset classes, including equity, debt markets, gold, real estate, and more.

time horizon

3 years+

total funds

30 Funds

total aum

₹1,12,991 Cr Total AUM


Explore Multi Asset Allocation Mutual Funds

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ICICI Prudential Multi-Asset Fund Direct Growth
ICICI Prudential Multi-Asset Fund Direct Growth

Multi Asset Allocation High Risk

₹51,027 Cr0.72%19.3%
Quant Multi Asset Fund Direct Growth
Quant Multi Asset Fund Direct Growth

Multi Asset Allocation High Risk

₹3,162 Cr0.74%18.2%
UTI Multi Asset Fund Direct Growth
UTI Multi Asset Fund Direct Growth

Multi Asset Allocation High Risk

₹4,962 Cr0.42%18.0%
Nippon India Asset Allocator FoF Direct Growth
Nippon India Asset Allocator FoF Direct Growth

Multi Asset Allocation Very High Risk

₹356 Cr1.02%17.9%
Nippon India Multi Asset fund Direct Growth
Nippon India Multi Asset fund Direct Growth

Multi Asset Allocation Very High Risk

₹4,850 Cr0.31%16.9%
HDFC Asset Allocator Fund of Funds Direct Growth
HDFC Asset Allocator Fund of Funds Direct Growth

Multi Asset Allocation High Risk

₹3,389 Cr0.06%15.4%
SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth
SBI Multi Asset Allocation Fund Direct Growth

Multi Asset Allocation High Risk

₹7,140 Cr0.54%15.0%
Tata Multi Asset Opportunities Fund Direct Growth
Tata Multi Asset Opportunities Fund Direct Growth

Multi Asset Allocation Very High Risk

₹3,489 Cr0.49%14.2%
HDFC Multi - Asset Fund Direct Growth
HDFC Multi - Asset Fund Direct Growth

Multi Asset Allocation High Risk

₹3,843 Cr0.79%13.4%
Franklin India Multi-Asset Solution Fund of Funds Direct Growth₹61 Cr0.5%12.1%

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Disclaimers: Data can be sourced from Morningstar, Bloomberg, CRISIL, etc. Information gathered and provided herein is believed to be from reliable sources.
Mutual Fund investments are subject to market risks, read all scheme related documents carefully.

Mutual Fund distribution services are offered through Dezerv Distribution Services Private Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Dezerv Investments Private Limited (collectively referred to as “Dezerv”) with AMFI Registration No.: ARN- 248439.Read More

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