πŸ’Ž Why does nobody care about State Budgets?


In less than a week, the much-awaited Union Budget will be out β€” and with it, the endless debates, analysis, and opinions. But amidst all this noise, what is it that really matters?

How does the budget really affect you and me?

In this newsletter, I have shared a few different perspectives and opinions on the Union Budget.

Great expectations : a technology perspective for Union Budget 2023.png

Despite India's promising stance on technology and digitalisation, a lot remains to be done to augment the digital-first approach that the country is taking to become a USD 5 trillion economy.

How can we achieve digital infrastructure and internet penetration in Tier 2 and Tier 3 cities? What initiatives should be taken to rapidly build India's already formidable digital pool? This article explores how the Union Budget 2023 could shape India's digital future.

Read the full article here - https://www.businessworld.in/article/Great-Expectations-A-Technology-Perspective-For-Union-Budget-2023/07-01-2023-460829/


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Should farmers be taxed on their income? This question has elicited very strong contrarian opinions over the past few decades. Through the years, farmers have been caught in the crosshairs of vote bank politics. This interesting article analyses and delves deep into the issue of taxing farmers.

This article questions if income tax should be paid by those above a certain threshold, regardless of their profession. It raises pertinent questions like β€” is it logical to keep 45% of the labour force out of the income tax net?

Read the full article here - https://www.newindianexpress.com/opinions/2023/jan/21/the-necessity-of-taxing-farmers-income-in-india-2539771.html


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Did you know all states in India have their own budgets? While most of the hype is around the Union Budget, in reality, state governments account for the lion's share of general government spending.

Hear this podcast that talks about state budgets, how they impact us, and why we don't care much for state budgets (and why we should.)

Read the full article here - https://open.spotify.com/episode/2ialg46DxDVaU3LIzUXyKj?si=AcX_hOnwT1qnAqI5hTigRQ&nd=1


The history of capital gains tax in India.png

No one likes paying tax, especially if it's on profits from investments. There has been a constant clamour for the reduction of capital gain tax. It really is anybody's guess when there will be a significant change or consolidation of capital gains tax across different asset classes.

Here's an interesting infographic that traces the history of capital gains tax on listed equity from 1947 to 2020.

Read the full article here - https://www.livemint.com/money/personal-finance/the-history-of-capital-gains-taxation-in-india-11673888087153.html

β€Š I would also recommend reading the in-depth analysis (behind the paywall) of the history of capital gains tax on equity, immovable property, and gold.