Fund Manager at SBI Mutual Fund
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Fund Manager
Fund Manager
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Total Expense Ratio (TER) in Mutual Funds
Total expense ratio is the charge deducted by mutual funds for their services. Learn more about the TER and its impact on your investments in this article.
The riskometer helps you understand the risk level of mutual fund schemes. Read this article to understand how you can use the riskometer to your advantage.
What is Net Asset Value (NAV) in Mutual Funds?
If we had to select the most overrated term in mutual funds, it has to be NAV or Net Asset Value. Read our article where we bust the 3 most
Discover how index funds are taxed in India. Learn about the taxation treatment of Equity and Debt Index Funds in India by reading this article.
XIRR calculates and represents mutual fund annual returns when several cash flows (investments and withdrawals) are involved.
SIP vs Mutual Fund: Where should you invest?
New investors can be confused between investing in a SIP vs mutual funds. Lets discuss the differences between the two and guide you on what to do.
IDCW vs Growth: Which Mutual Fund Option should you Invest in?
Confused between IDCW and Growth options in mutual funds? Let’s help you understand the differences and choose the right one.
How to become a Mutual Fund Agent in India?
Becoming a mutual fund agent or distributor is an easy process but involves a lot of steps. Read this step-by-step guide that elaborates on how to become a mutual fund agent.
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